In 2008, Berry and Aubry had a daughter together. In December 2010, Aubry filed a petition in court seeking to have his paternity over their daughter legally recognized. This was a necessary step for Aubry because the law does not automatically recognize a father's rights if he never marries his child's mother.
After several months of legal maneuvering, Halle Berry recently announced that she and Aubry have resolved their child custody dispute peacefully. In an interview with Extra TV, Berry expressed her relief at resolving the dispute in a peaceful way and she added that the fight was never about whether or not Aubry would be able to spend time with their daughter. However, it appeared the couple was at an impasse and needed help to reach a resolution.
When recently announcing a resolution had been reached, Berry said, "We both know a child needs both her parents. But what I want to say about it is sometimes, as a couple, you reach an impasse. We needed a court and a judge to help us work out some of the delicate issues, and I'm so happy we've arrived at that place." Berry has not publicly disclosed the details of her child custody agreement.
The child custody dispute between Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry is an example of how couples can reach an amicable resolution through the court system. Although it appears that they agreed on the general issues in their case, they needed the help of the legal system to work out the details.
Source: Press Association, "Halle's happy custody resolution," 4/22/2011